Art Truckin' along
Oh, hello there internet! I'm Davey D, the Art Truck driver/docent, I'm here to bring a little life back to the 337 Project blog!

Ah. maybe that's a little too much life. I'm coming to grips with the fact that I'm a huge dork. But seriously, I'm excited about this, my job rocks. Basically, I nomad about and hang out with creative/inspired folks of all ages in the honkin' big resurrected vegetable delivery vehicle that is the Art Truck. So far, since January, I've brought it to 21 schools, 8 festivals,conferences,or events, and just short of 10000 people.

It's been a blast. A mobile, changing art gallery is of course ephemeral, but I've really appreciated the subtle changes day to day. The way Trent Call's brushed mural matched the color scheme of the mountains one winter morning in Provo,

or the experience of being huddled within the truck with Islandview Residential Treatment kids in the hail.

But even better than the visual/tactile presence of the truck is getting to meet so many great kids and people across Utah. I get to introduce them to something wonderful, something that gives them food for creative thought or blows their mind a little bit.

It's also fun to reflect back on these pictures, and see how much the installation Pam Bowman created has been added to over time. I only have a crappy iPhone pic right now, but I'll get another one up soon. It's become an organic hive of ideas, overwhelming and certainly a lot of fun to experience with people.

Now that the school year's winding down the truck begins to transition from school visits to frequenting festivals, I'll doff my teacher hat in favor of some sunglasses and a tiki torch, or something. Keep an eye out for the Art Truck around your town, expect to see me at the Orem Arts in the Park Fest, The Utah Arts Festival,and of course a bunch of surprising places in between. I'll try to start twittering my location in advance sometimes, so keep an ear to the ground.

Labels: 337 Project, Art Truck, Contemporary Art, Education, Kids, radness, Salt Lake Art, Salt Lake City