Sunday, October 5, 2008

Opening Night at Urban Gallery

(Photo Credit: Gavin Sheehan)
The unveiling was a lot of fun, and most of the artwork is still there if you didn't get a chance to see it on Friday. Just go to Neighborhood House, 1050 W. 500 S., and it is all there in public view. Special thanks to Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon for unveiling the Urban Gallery, and for being willing to pose with me and Capt. Kirk.

(Photo Credit: Gavin Sheehan)

The 337 Project at Gavin's Underground

Gavin Sheehan, who writes at Gavin's Underground, has a new piece out on the 337 Project's Urban Gallery. Read more about it here.

How Cool is the 337 Project?

The verdict is in, at least according to Salt Lake Magazine:

For sheer thrills and chills, [Present Tense: A Post-337 Project] took my breath away, [reminding] you that 337 was a daring and innovative community art project--and would have been so in New York or London . . . . It is--like 337 was--one of the most artistically exciting things I've seen in Salt Lake City.

"337 Forever"

So says In Utah This Week, noting that "[i]f there is one art attraction that Utahns will be talking about for years to come, it's the 337 Project."