337 Project on KCPW

Thanks to the Salt Lake Art Center's Executive Director, Heather Ferrell, and 337 Project documentarian Alex Haworth for joining the discussion!
The August issue of Slug features a glowing review of the 337 Project documentary, Afterimage: The Art of 337:
"Although the beloved 337 building was torn down months ago, fans of the project can relive the experience while watching Afterimage: The Art of 337 . . . . Pick up a copy of this gem [which] captures just how incredible the project was and will continue to be."
So read Slug for the full review, and then grab an Afterimage DVD, available for purchase through the creators, http://www.thedadafactory.com/, and from local merchants around town. Afterimage will also be shown admission-free at the Salt Lake Art Center for the remainder of the summer.