337 Project on KRCL's RadioActive Friday Night!
This Friday, July 11, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., the 337 Project will be the subject of an hour-long discussion on KRCL's RadioActive. Guest speakers will include 337 Project Artists Ben Wiemeyer and Margaret Willis, as well as some of our partners from the community, including Jacob Brace, Executive Director of Neighborhood House, and Jeff Lambson, the new Curator of Contemporary Art at BYU Museum of Art.
So tune in for some lively discussion to 90.9 FM ( or webcast here) and then join in the debate by calling 303-6050 or 888-404-6050, or email: radioactive@krcl.org.
UPDATE: You can listen to the broadcast of the July 11 show by clicking here.